It’s been a long time since I photographed a newborn. For the last few years I’ve taken a hiatus. I love children and babies, and although I always have a great time when I’m with kids, I noticed that it was tough on me in the days afterwards. That’s an awkward place to be in emotionally when you’re in your early 30s. Visiting with friends and family and their kids is never going to be something I step away from, and so I decided to focus on those visits.
In the meantime, I slowly started increasing my capacity to be a newborn photographer. I invested in some training, a beanbag, and a studio light. I practiced wrapping on one of my old dolls. (Rob was mildly horrified to find out there’s a bin of dolls in our storage room.) I studied light theory and soothing techniques. And I got ready to get back in the game.
Alexander was a perfect first model for me. He was easy-going and loved to be swaddled. And he had the most perfect skin – no Photoshop there! I travelled to Lise-Anne and Brent’s home for this session. They were able to go about their regular routine for the most part. They cranked up the temperature to make a cozy environment for the baby. Then, while I set up, Brent whipped up an amazing brunch while Lise-Anne had a friend apply a very natural makeup look. I think every new mom is hesitant to have her photo taken, but the images will be so special to everyone, especially once the baby grows up and appreciates how tiny he was in how parents arms.
Lise-Anna and Brent, thank you so much for welcoming me into your home and trusting me to photography your newborn baby boy. Lex was such a wonderful model! I’m glad we were able to get so many great images.