Buckle up! This is gonna be a long post since I didn’t want to break our 7-day trip to PEI up into two parts. It’s also full of Meadow because — let’s face it — she was one of the main reasons why we were so excited to come back. The pup was spoiled with tons of trips to the beach. So much to smell! So much to dig! So much sand to roll in! As you’ll see from the photos, the weather wasn’t so great. In fact, some days I wasn’t able to take my camera out at all, and some of these pictures were actually shot in the rain. But moody skies bring out vivid colours (and keep people indoors), so all-in-all I think it was a win!
It all started with crossing Confederation Bridge. This was at about 11am, and as you can see it’s dark enough for cars to have their lights on. The rain didn’t stop us, but we were very glad to have a cottage to go to. Tenting would have been pretty miserable in this weather!
One of the beaches near my parents’ cottage on the South Shore.
Back when I lived in Charlottetown, the Brackley Beach Drive-In was a summer staple. Rob and I went (with Meadow snuggled up in the back) and saw a pretty sad double-header: “Into the Storm” (terrible, don’t waste even five minutes on this one), and “Expendables 3” (which was much better than #2, to be fair, but didn’t make up for having to sit through Into the Storm). Also, we couldn’t figure out how to turn on the rental car without turning off the lights – which meant we spent most of the rainy and humid evening mopping up the fog on the front windshield with a towel. Still, we had so much fun and would have gone back the following week if we were around!
We caught a couple hours of sun here and there, mostly early in the mornings before the rain started for the day. Meadow loved loved loved the beaches, and never tired of bounding into the water to retrieve Rob’s flip flop. We also got to see quite a few seals on this trip!
Best buds.
The evening of our wedding anniversary was gorgeous! The sun came out and it was nice and warm. Below is the view from my parent’s cottage, where I set up for our anniversary portraits on their front lawn. This is our third year keeping to the tradition. We replicate the same pose we had for one of our formal wedding photos, and we have to take it on our anniversary. Nine years together now! We also took one with Meadow. Can’t leave out the youngest family member! I’m so grateful to have met Rob here. Looking back, at even looking at our present, we’ve experienced and been through so much together. I’m sure life has plenty more ups and downs in store for us, and it’s a real comfort to have Rob at my side.
After photos we headed into Charlottetown for dinner, but beforehand we walked around on the UPEI campus where we met for the first time ten years ago!
They’ve taken the sign off the exterior, but this wing was our second home for four years.
My favourite study spot. They’ve massively upgraded the seating.
We then wandered downtown and had dinner on the patio of the Olde Dublin Pub. The night was capped off with ice cream and a walk around the harbour while listening to not one, but two live bands.
The next day we headed up west to Rob’s old stomping grounds in Alberton, and on to North Cape to camp a few nights on the coastline.
Not a bad little camping spot, eh? Right on the water, with kilometres and kilometres of beach.
We didn’t have a fire, but the sunset was plenty to look at from atop the cliff.
Little Miss had the whole backseat to herself, but she definitely got a little bored with the longer drives.
Finally on our last day we had really good summer weather! It was about 25 and sunny – perfect for the beach! It was so good that we extended our stay one more day, and our final day on PEI was spent entirely at Blooming Point, my favourite beach. It didn’t disappoint!
We took the ferry back to Nova Scotia with just under a week left of our vacation. Little did I know while I waved goodbye to PEI that I would be back just days later, thanks to surprise tickets to see Shania Twain! Thank you to everyone who took the time to meet up with us during our stay. It was so nice to see you all again after so long! Rob and I have sworn that we won’t let another seven years go by without coming back for a visit.