Happy Canada Day everyone! It’s raining this morning, so I’m blogging, but you can bet that this afternoon I’ll be out celebrating living in this awesome country! And what could be more Canadian than blogging about our camping trip last weekend? Our camping season has had a very late start this year. Usually this would be our third trip of the season! But between having house guests, weekend photo shoots, and trying to get work done on our backyard, we found ourselves at the end of June without having been out. And to be honest, I was going a little stir crazy. I’m an outdoorsy girl, and working in an office this time of year — when we only get a few months of good weather — is very mentally challenging for me! After a week of spending great weather indoors, I’d had it: it was time to get back to nature!
Booking a last-minute camping spot around Ottawa (and in Canada), especially around the Canada Day weekend (of which there are two this year since the holiday is smack dab in the middle of the week), is pretty close to impossible, so we opted for one of our favourite spots south of the border. New York state parks are well kept, with good services. They usually have large sites and great access to water. And many of them are dog friendly. So off we went!
Murphy’s law dictates that when Rob and Natasha go camping, odds are it’s going to rain. This past weekend was no different. There was so much rain overnight on Saturday that by Sunday morning there was flooding in the area, and it was still pouring. Thankfully we have an awesome tent and had a great sleep. But we packed up the car Sunday morning in a hurry and headed back to the Great White North, very glad we’d headed up Friday afternoon!
Even those two days being unconnected and sleeping outside was enough to reset my mental state. It’s amazing what camping does for my soul! I brought my old camera and kit lens for this trip (not risking the big one!), and I’m glad I have a few pictures to remember the trip by.
Last year we splurged and got a screen tent. Because we’re soft now in our old age. Best money spent that year!
Yes, I put chips in my sandwiches. Added flavour and a crunch even better than lettuce: how could you go wrong? I think it might be a French Canadian thing.
They had some great trails around the campground, and not a soul on them!
See that crib board? I almost skunked Rob. We need some more camping toys… like ladder ball!
Meadow’s absolutely favourite part of camping. She loves loves loves the water. After two days of swimming her silly, she slept all day Sunday when we got home. Dogs aren’t allowed on the beaches, but we always manage to find sandy little inlets that work perfectly for her.
Until next time! Hopefully in just a few weeks… and this time, in Canada.