This family! Two years ago I took their family portraits at the Canadensis Gardens while they were expecting baby number two. Now he’s here, and we returned to the same location for late summer photos.
Like most parents, the Cousineaus were a little worried about how their kids would do during the portrait session. Everyone wants great photos of their children smiling, but we all know that kids – especially toddlers – can be unpredictable. When I photograph children, I give lots of time for them to run around and get out the sillies. I also try to engage them as much as possible, whether it’s letting them make crazy poses, weird faces between the smiles, or checking out the back of the camera. Trust me when I say that there are always a lot of keepers from a full family session, even when it feels like things are getting crazy! These images are proof of that, as this mama was worried we didn’t get any of her little boy smiling!
Late summer is a great time for family portraits in Ottawa. The sun sets early enough to accommodate early bedtimes. The weather is usually very pleasant. And that late summer light is just gorgeous. If you’re on the fence, go for it!