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Category Archives: Families

The Rivett Family Fall Family Photos in Nepean

family of five fall portrait

Hayley warned me that this year there might be a lot of candids during their fall family photos. I know every parents wants at least one image where all kids are looking at the camera and smiling, and we try hard to get those images! But the in-between giggles and dancing, the crazy laughter and...

Jillian and Donny | Anniversary Romantic Anniversary Pictures in Ottawa

Romantic Anniversary Pictures in Ottawa - Ottawa Photographer 17

Relationships are beautiful and complicated. They’re hard work sometimes and as natural as breathing other times. Jillian and Donny celebrated their marriage one year ago, and they wanted romantic anniversary pictures to commemorate the day. Their wedding was stunning, all rain and dark skies. But they wanted some sunshine for their anniversary photos! So we...

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Ottawa, Ontario